A combination product for coccidiosis prevention in broilers
Maxiban™ is used as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mivati, E. necatrix and E. tenella. It is a unique combination of narasin (an ionophore) and nicarbazin (a chemical) in a specially formulated 1:1 ratio, which aids in the prevention of coccidiosis when included in broiler chicken feeds. Each molecule affects a different energy pathway of the coccidia parasite and is active during different stages of the parasite's life cycle. This results in a synergistic effect which increases coccidial control while presenting substantial obstacles to resistance development1. The nicarbazin + narasin combination of Maxiban results in effective protection from coccidiosis, and the the maintenance of intestinal integrity, both key drivers of bird health and performance. The use of Maxiban in a broiler anticoccidial program results in improved weight gain and feed conversion2,3.