Broad-spectrum dewormer
Flubenol 5% is indicated for worm infestations in breeding and fattening pigs. It treats infestations with gastrointestinal worms (Ascaris suum, Hyostrongylus rubidus, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Trichuris suis, Strongyloides ransomi) and lungworms (Metastrongylus apri).
Pig farmers face severe competition. To bring competitive products onto the market, they have to know and understand the most important factors influencing their production output and costs, because the proper management of these factors will improve profitability. Part of this management includes the strategic use of flubendazole for deworming.
Considering the pre-patent period of Ascaris suum and keeping into account the number of eggs laid per day by mature female worms (on average 200,000), it is crucial that a strict and carefully planned treatment schedule, in combination with strict hygiene measures, are followed1-3.